For Property Owner - DayDreamHub | day use

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Take your facility and services to the world!

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DayDreamHub is an OTA site that allows customers to easily book and use facilities and services suited to their needs,
such as for transit or transfer waiting times, travel breaks, work, special days, or simply to relax from the daily fatigue.
We offer services that meet the diverse needs of our customers, including hotels for day use, spas, and meeting rooms.

Zero Listing Fees

There are no initial costs or fixed monthly fees to list your hotel on our site. All you need to pay is a commission fee whenever someone books your hotel through our site.

Anyone Can List

Whether you are a corporation or a sole property owner, if you have a space or service you want to offer, anyone can list on DayDreamHub.

Listing Process

You can easily start accepting reservations for day-use rooms.

Sign Up

Please fill in the required information on the application form and submit it.


Identity verification

We will conduct identity verification for issuing an owner account. Please send us the data of your identification documents according to the details provided.


Registration Complete

After verifying your identity, we will send you the account information. Please log in to the site and start listing your facility.

List your facility on DayDreamHub and
welcome guests from around the world!